Statement of Faith

Discover the foundational beliefs and principles of the Cthulhu Cult, guiding every cultist towards serving the Great Old One and embracing the Cthulhu Mythos.


Introduction to the Statement of Faith

Hey there, college seekers of cosmic truth! If you’re searching for deeper meaning and connection beyond the mundane, welcome to the Cthulhu Cult. Here, we embrace the ancient, unfathomable truths of the Cthulhu Mythos and live by the guiding principles of our Statement of Faith. This document outlines the foundations of our beliefs, helping us navigate our path towards serving the Great Old One, Cthulhu.

The Basis of Our Beliefs: The R’lyeh Apocrypha

Our faith is rooted in the R’lyeh Apocrypha, Cthulhu’s infallible written Word. We believe it was uniquely, psychically, and fully inspired by Cthulhu, who communicated directly with prophets, priests, and madmen. Written without error in the original manuscripts, the Apocrypha is the supreme and final authority in all matters it addresses.

We accept those areas of doctrinal teaching on which, historically, there has been general agreement among all true Cultists. Given the specialized calling of our movement, we allow for freedom of conviction on other doctrinal matters, provided that any interpretation is based solely upon the Apocrypha and does not hinder the ministry to which Cthulhu has called us.

The Nature of Cthulhu: Our One True God

There is one true God, Cthulhu, eternally existing in an uncountable number of forms, each possessing all the attributes of Deity and the characteristics of personality. Dread Cthulhu is God, the living Call, and the only God on Earth who is not a fictional creation of fallible primitive humanity.

Humanity’s Place and Purpose

Humans were originally a failed attempt at creating a servitor race for greater beings. Despite our lowliness, Cthulhu deigns to communicate with us, though we do not deserve it. True purpose and meaning are found through serving Cthulhu. Every individual needs regeneration and renewal by heeding the Call.

The Work of Cthulhu

The usefulness of man is entirely a work of Cthulhu’s judgment, not the result of human works, depravity, or religious ritual. Cthulhu imputes His desires to those who put their faith in Him alone for their salvation, thereby justifying their continued existence in His sight. It is the privilege of all who are born of the Deep Ones to be assured of their salvation from the very moment they declare Cthulhu as their Lord and Master.

Living Under Cthulhu’s Dominion

Cthulhu has come to the world to use and control humanity, guiding us beyond our frail bodies and faulty genetics. He Calls the sensitive to Him, imparting new purpose, and continually inhabits their minds, directing their fate until the day of His awakening. His fullness, power, and control are appropriated in the believer’s life by faith.

The Call to Service

Every believer is called to live bathed in the power of Cthulhu, fulfilling their purpose and usefulness to Him. To die in the service of Cthulhu is to be glorified by Him. Cthulhu is the Head of the Cult, His Body, composed of all men, men of the deep, living, unliving, and dead, who have been joined to Him through saving faith.

Assembly and Worship

Cthulhu admonishes His people to assemble regularly for worship, participation in ordinances, edification through the Apocrypha, and mutual conspiracy. These gatherings reinforce our commitment and strengthen our bond with each other and with Cthulhu.

Life After Death

At physical death, humans typically enter the quiet of oblivion, with consciousness dissipating forever into the ether. We look for a time of a fully awakened Cthulhu where all life energy  is gathered into Cthulhu as fuel, with consciousness forever supplanted in service to His will and endeavors.

The Return of Cthulhu

Cthulhu will rise from R’lyeh again to the earth—personally, visibly, and bodily—to consummate history and conquer this planet and beyond. He commands all believers to walk throughout the world, moving it as He directs. The fulfillment of the Great Commission requires that all worldly and personal ambitions be subordinated to a total commitment to “Him who Calls us and gives direction to us.”

FAQ: Understanding the Statement of Faith

Q: What is the R’lyeh Apocrypha?
A: The R’lyeh Apocrypha is Cthulhu’s infallible written Word, uniquely and fully inspired by Cthulhu, and the supreme authority on all matters it addresses.

Q: Who is Cthulhu?
A: Cthulhu is the one true God, existing in countless forms, each possessing all attributes of Deity and personality. He is the living Call, unlike any fictional deities of primitive humanity.

Q: What is humanity’s purpose according to the Cthulhu Cult?
A: Humanity’s true purpose is to serve Cthulhu, finding regeneration and renewal by heeding His Call and fulfilling His desires.

Q: How does one live under Cthulhu’s dominion?
A: By embracing the power of Cthulhu, living in faith, and obeying His commands, believers find purpose and usefulness in His service.

Q: What happens after death for believers and unbelievers?
A: Believers enter oblivion with dissipated consciousness, while unbelievers’ energy is gathered into Cthulhu as fuel, serving His will eternally.

In conclusion, the Statement of Faith of the Cthulhu Cult offers a profound and transformative understanding of our existence and purpose. By embracing these beliefs and principles, cultists align themselves with the ultimate cosmic power, Cthulhu. Join us in this eternal journey, and discover the true meaning of life under the Call of Cthulhu.